Maintenance planned on 6/03/2020 – impacted services: Telephony

Dear customers,

Edpnet has planned an urgent maintenance in order to improve stability to our telephony platform. Some users may have experienced dropped calls recently, and we aim to resolve that. This maintenance is critical and cannot be moved.

This maintenance may affect your services.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 2020-03-06 00:00*
End*: 2020-03-06 00:30*
Duration: One minute
Impacted services: All telephony via EDPNET
Affected Areas**: All areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

* All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

Maintenance planned on 14/2/2020 – impacted services: Telephony : CLOSED

Dear customers,

Edpnet has planned a maintenance with the express purpose of merging two of our separate voice switches. In the night of 13 to 14 February, we will be taking down SIP2 ( & and SIP3 ( and merging them. The resulting server SIP2 will remain accessible on ALL IP-addresses previously linked to the old servers.

This maintenance may affect your services: Calls that were active on these two servers will be dropped when they are shut down and all new in- and outbound traffic will be temporarily directed to SIP1. No capacity issues are expected. Be sure to use our SIP gateway to be able to continue calling during the downtime.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 2020-02-14 00:00
End*: 2020-02-14 01:00
Duration: 1 hour
Impacted services: Some telephony
Affected Areas**: All areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

* All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

Maintenance planned on 07/02/2020 – impacted services: Telephony : CLOSED

Dear customers,

Edpnet has planned a maintenance in order to upgrade our telephony servers. Due to our redundant platform, all services will keep working, but you may experience interrupted calls.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 2020-02-07 00:00
End*: 2020-02-07 00:30
Duration: 30 minutes
Impacted services: All telephony (minimal impact expected)
Affected Areas**: All areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

* All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

Maintenance planned on 17/10/2019 – impacted services: Telephony

Dear customers,

Edpnet has planned a short maintenance in order to apply an update on our voice switches.

This maintenance may cause issues on incoming and outgoing calls.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 2019-10-17 00:05
End*: 2019-10-17 00:20
Duration: 15 minutes
Impacted services: Telephony
Affected Areas**: All areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

* All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

Outage: Telephony (closed)

Dear customers,

Early this morning we experienced a general outage with telephony due to our maintenance.  Our Network Operations team has investigated and resolved this outage.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2019-07-11 06:00*
End: 2019-07-11 07:42*
Duration: 1h42m
Impacted services: All telephony
Affected Areas: All areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: KPN telephony (solved)

Dear customers,

KPN is currently experiencing a general outage with telephony in the Netherlands.  Their Network Operations team is investigating this outage.  Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2019-06-24 15:50*
End: 2019-06-24 18:08*
Duration: 2 hours 18 minutes
Impacted services: All telephony (this includes emergency services like 112!)
Affected Areas: The Netherlands

EDIT 09:22*: KPN has confirmed the outage to be resolved last night.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Maintenance planned on 06/06/2019 – impacted services: telephony

Dear customers,

Edpnet has planned a maintenance in order to apply an update on our telephony switches.

This maintenance may cause issues on incoming and outgoing calls.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2019-06-06 00:00*
End: 2019-06-06 00:45*
Duration: 45 minutes
Impacted services: telephony
Affected Areas: all areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Problem with outgoing calls: Solved

Dear customers,

Edpnet has experienced an outage with telephony service (outgoing calls) due to an urgent maintenance on our telephony switches.  Our Network Operations team solved the outage.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2019-06-05 09:21*
End: 2019-06-05 10:21*
Duration: 1 hour
Impacted services: telephony: outgoing calls not possible or take long time to connect
Affected Areas: all areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Maintenance planned on 17/05/2019 – impacted services: all telephony : Closed

Dear customers,

Edpnet has planned a maintenance in order to upgrade our telephony switches. Each will be individually restarted to minimize impact.

This maintenance may affect your services.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2019-05-17 00:00*
End: 2019-05-17 01:00*
Duration: 30 minutes
Impacted services: All telephony (Minimal impact expected)
Affected Areas: All areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Inbound & outbound telephony

Dear customers,

UPDATE 20h05: Proximus officially communicated that since 19h everything was solved and telephony traffic should be normal.

EDIT 16h55*: Proximus has a major issue on their VOIP platform. No calls can be done between other operators & Proximus, no international calls are possible. Emergency services can ONLY be reached from the Proximus fix network (not mobile)

Due to a major outage at Proximus, we are currently experiencing an outage with incoming and outgoing telephony from/towards other providers.  It is currently being investigated by them.  Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2019-04-05 15:33*
End: 2019-04-05 19:00*
Duration: Approx. 3h30m
Impacted services: All telephony outside EDPNET
Affected Areas: All areas

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time